Thursday, October 7, 2021

Shiatsu and pain relieving benefits

Pain Relieving Benefits

Shiatsu assists in pain relieving qualities with the secretion of endorphins. Endorphins are chemical messengers within the brain which act as a natural analgesics, suppressing pain as well as regulating the body’s response to stress and determining your mood. The high that runners and swimmers get is the result of the release of endorphins during physical exertion. Shiatsu stimulates the release of this natural pain killer. Enkephalins are found in high concentration in the brain as well as in the cells of adrenal medulla. In response to pain, norepinephrine, a hormone that is activated in fight-or-flight response is released along with endorphins.

The reason why Shiatsu is so successful is the fact that first of all the whole body is treated and then the treatment proceeds by treating the places that reflect symptoms of a disease. For instance, if you suffer from pain in your right knee, the therapist will also treat your head, shoulders, neck, and lower back. The left knee will get at least as much attention as the right knee, as the left knee is now put under more pressure.

Origin of pain

The origin of the pain is not always caused by the painful area, but could just as well be found somewhere else in the body. Back problems, for instance, are a well-known symptom of organs that are out of balance. The Shiatsu massage brings the whole body back in balance in a natural way.

Shiatsu is based on the idea that the patient must be treated, not the illness.

Almost all complaints and disorders can be treated with Shiatsu. Examples are for instance: back troubles, headaches, and stress, breathing and digestion problems. In case of overtiredness, emotional problems and stress-related complaints, Shiatsu can also have a positive influence. Dopamine: Often called the "happy hormone," dopamine results in feelings of well-being. A primary driver of the brain's reward system, it spikes when we experience something pleasurable.

The Meridians (energy lines)

(American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia ( "The meridians form a network — like a system of roads, highways, and country lanes. Acupoints are found at the major junctions, crossroads, overpasses, bus stops and traffic lights. The subtle art of assessment and treatment requires the selection of specific meridians and acupoints that can be used to unblock traffic jams and enhance the free flow of traffic that results in homeostasis."

Friday, May 28, 2021

Tools used in Shiatsu

The Shiatsu Therapist uses various parts of the limbs as ‘tools’. The main tools are the palms, thumbs and fingers. The second set of tools, but still important are forearms, elbows, knees and feet. So you will find the therapist will use some or most of these tools during the course of your session.
The palms and fingertips are used at the start of session to feel for areas in your body that may need loosening up, calming down or strengthening. The fingertips are rich in sensory nerve endings and are therefore sensitive. The Shiatsu Therapist will then use the thumbs or fingertips if specific pressure is required to a pressure point. If a general area is worked on they will use their palms. If strong pressure is called for then forearms, elbows, knees or feet may be used. Please contact me on whatsapp for an appointment +2782 572 7443